Start-up class - Lecture #1  

The first lecture on How to Start a Startup had been posted a few days ago. What follows in this post is the lecture video and my notes. Do watch the video first and then read my notes.


The first lecture video was pretty basic but fundamental. I think that everyone starting-up must watch the video and I am sure that most of us didn’t give proper thoughts and did skip thinking about some of the important details when starting up.

A startup is a combination of four things - Idea, Product, Team and Execution.


This is the first step when trying to start-up. We know all about this. Or do we?


The product is what you are predominantly selling. For an early stage startup there is nothing (and nothing) more important to get a product which users love.

Start thinking about your idea now. Go. I’d happy to brainstorm on your idea if you want a sounding board. You can reach me via email.

By - Sid Saha


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