YC Class - How to start a start-up?  

I have recently started taking a class from Y-Combinator guys on how to start a startup. Every Tuesday and Thursday they post a lecture video accompanied with some pre-reading material. I intend to take the classes and then write down / summarise the thoughts presented in the lecture on my blog for my own (and possibly others’) future reference.

These notes are in no way a substitute for the actual class itself. It will be far more beneficial to you if you attend the class and participate in the discussion forums. Maybe later you can head back here and read my notes as well. I’d be happy to connect with you and talk one-on-one over email.

Head over to my next post for my notes on the first lecture.

By - Sid Saha


Now read this

Start-up class - Lecture #1

The first lecture on How to Start a Startup had been posted a few days ago. What follows in this post is the lecture video and my notes. Do watch the video first and then read my notes. Notes The first lecture video was pretty basic but... Continue →